Monday, December 12, 2005

Book of the Month: Christy

For those of you who have never read the book Christy by Catherine Marshal, I highly recommend you do. And for those of you who have read it, I recommend you read it again! :) This is my 3rd time reading it in the last 5 years and it is still as wonderful as before. Although now that I am married and no longer a girl in high school I am reading it through different eyes. Instead of being swept away by the romance in the story I can see more how Christy really tried to reach out to those around her and touch their lives in some way. She made such a wonderful impact on the people who surrounded her. I really hope and pray that I will have an impact like she did. And the wonderful thing is I don't have to go to the Appalachians to do it, God has placed me right here!

Back Cover Excerpt:

"Christy Huddleston left home at 19 to teach school in the Smoky Mountains. There she came to know and love the wild mountain people with their fierce pride, their dark superstitions, their terrible poverty, their yearning for beauty and truth. Christy found her faith severely challenged in these primitive surroundings; and, confronted with two young men of unique strengths and needs, she found her own growing yearnings challenged by love." Spire Books

1 comment:

Bonita said...

I love books that have a redeeming quality to them, like this one obviously does. They inspire, then they help carry us forward into similar situations where we can work wonders too.