The week before this past week we went on our little family vacation. We have been going to LA to visit my family every summer but this year we couldn't because I started my new job. It has been really nice though because LA family has been coming up here to visit us. My Gramma and Auntie Annie came in July, my cousin Eva-Karin will be here in a couple days, my cousin Lauralyn will be here next Saturday for 10 days and then in September my Aunt Karin is coming to visit. For our little family vacation we went over to Northern Idaho. We stayed for two night and 3 days. At the hotel we stayed in there was a indoor swim park, bowling, an arcade, outdoor mini golf, and go-carts. The first night we were there we played a game of bowling and then Ruh and Daisy went swimming. The next day is when we went to the Silverwood Theme Park. I was very impressed with it even though it was so small. It was very clean and it had a wonderful wild west atmosphere a lot like old Knott's Berry Farm. They actually had a ride from Knott's Berry Farm which was the first cork-screw roller coaster ever made.

This is an old steam locomotive that took people on a 3.5 mile circuit around the park and into the woods. This is the first thing we did when we arrived.

At one point the train stopped at what looked like an old mining camp. A little play was put on about two hill-billy guys who were going to "rob" the train. Before we stopped there the tour guide mentioned that they would be taking donations for a charity organization. They did not specify how they would take the donations though. It was a really cute show and then the two men boarded the train and "took" donations.

Here are some buffalo that live on the land there.

Ruh and Daisy went on the bumper boats but I opted out since I had just dried out from the last water ride we had gone on. They got pretty soaked but had a ton of fun doing it!

That night we went and played 3 games of bowling. We had so much fun. I beat Ruh every game! But I did also have a P.E. class in high school where we went bowling three days a week so I think I have had some practice. ;)

Daisy made a good shot!! :)

The day we checked out of the hotel we wanted to do some sight-seeing so we headed up to the little town of Wallace. If any of you have seen the movie Dante's Peak it was filmed in this little town. We went on a silver mine tour. A little trolley in town took us up to the mine. An old retired miner took us on the tour.

One fact he shared with us was how they warn miners that something bad has happened. They have what are pretty much glorified stink bombs that they set off down the main shaft and quickly spreads through the miles and miles of tunnels. Once the miners smell it they know there has been a cave in or an accident and they need to get to the service immediately. He said because the smell circulates so quickly this is the best way they have found to communicate withe everyone and this is the method they have used for over 100 years.

Here is the little trolley we took to the mine. After the trolley picked us up from the mine it took us on a tour of the town.

I thought this street sign was very cute.
We had such a fun time on our little vacation! I am so glad we went.
Ruh and I had our third wedding anniversary this last Tuesday. We decided to go to Bremerton, park the car and take the hour long ferry ride over to Seattle. We walked along the waterfront, enjoyed the shops and the view of the water. Then we headed up to Pike's Place Market. We also enjoyed browsing the shops. We came across a little Turkish cafe that sold baklava, Turkish Delight and Turkish coffee. We got some pistachio baklava and I wanted to try the Turkish Delight since I enjoy Applets and Cotlets so much which is the American version of Turkish Delight. Ruh also got a Turkish Espresso. Wow, that was some strong coffee! They grind the beans to a powder and just mix it in the water, not filter it like we do. There was a real nice sludge at the bottom!

This was just a funny "car" that drove by I wanted to get picture of! :)

After Pike's Place we headed back down to the waterfront and walked to The Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch. We then walked back up to Pike's Place one more time and then headed on down to the ferry dock. We had such a delightful anniversary! I love my hubby sooooooo much! I am so blessed to have him! :)