God looked around his Garden and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon his earth and saw your loving face.
He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
His Garden must be beautiful, he always takes the best.
He saw your path was difficult, he closed your tired eyes,
He whispered to you "Peace be Thine" and gave you wings to fly.
When we saw you sleeping so calm and free of pain,
We would not wish you back to earth to suffer once again.
You've left us precious memories, your love will be our guide,
You live on through your child, you're always by our side.
It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you on the day God called you home.

Today marks one year since Gabe DeRoo was killed in Iraq by a sniper. It is so hard to believe it has been a year. Hannah, little Gabriel, her sister Ruth, brother-in-law Chris and I went up to the cemetery today with flowers. Gabriel even brought a little balloon that said "I love you" on it. Hannah is doing so good today and a bunch of us are going over to her house later on this afternoon for a little potluck. Hannah and Chris took pictures at the cemetery and Chris is going to send me some so when I get them I will post them for you all to see.
We miss Gabe so much and Hannah most of all. I would give anything to see this little family back together again, but we know God knows best and He is good. And we still have the wonderful hope that he is in Heaven and we will see him again. God has taken such great care of Hannah and little Gabriel. God is so good!