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Saturday, May 31, 2008
"No more burnt toast..."
This is a video my hubby came across the other day. I am not sure how old it is but it couldn't be more than several years old. It features my brothers-in-law Taraz and Rahmat and my mother-in-law Bonita is holding the camera. We all got a good giggle out of it!
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Monday, May 26, 2008
Dannells Family Camping Trip, Lake Wenatchee, May 2008
Once again we had a wonderful time camping with our family at Lake Wenatchee! I always miss everyone so much after we go camping.
Thursday morning Ruh, Taraz and I went on a little hike along the lake. There wasn't really a trail and Taraz really likes bush-whacking. Taraz pretty much pushed down every old dead tree he came across and sometimes he needed a little extra help from Ruh. The last tree in the video is the most exciting!! Here is video of our little hike.
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Ruh woke up very early every morning to start a fire and cut wood.
My mom caught Ruh and me. ;)

I thought Bonita was very cute in her rain gear! :)

On Saturday morning we woke up to sunshine and there was fog out on the lake. Taraz and Rahmat hopped in a canoe and paddled out into it.
Later on after the fog had burned off Taraz , Melanie, Rahmat and Ruh went for a paddle.
Here is a little slide show with some video mixed in.
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Another Dannells Family Camping Trip

Yay! On Wednesday we head out to Lake Wenatchee for another Dannells family camping trip! I am so excited! I am going to be VERY busy the next couple of days!! I will have lots of pictures and video to share when we get back! Woohoo! :)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Home Run Skittles

The other morning Patti came in to work with a big smile spread across her face. In her hand she proudly held up a baseball. She went on to tell us about how this ball was her 15 year-old son Max's first home run.

He was up to bat. One more strike and he would be out. Max never goes for outside pitches but he told his mom afterward he just had a feeling about this pitch. He swung hard and his bat connected solidly with the ball. He stood at the plate and just watched the ball for a long time. Then he took off around the bases like a bullet. His coach shouted for him to slow down because he knew the ball was out of there, but Max ran those bases as hard as he could. His first home run!

Patti was so proud of Max! After the game a little Spadoni boy came up and asked if Max wanted him to go find the ball out in the field. The little guy ran out there and hunted until he found the prize. Max gave the little guy a dollar and he announced he was going to buy a bag of Skittles!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Hannah and Willie

Last year my best friend Hannah met Willie Clark. Pretty soon they started spending lots of time together and eventually started dating. In January he popped the question. The big day is July 5th!!

I am so very happy for Hannah. It will be two years ago this August that her husband Gabe was killed in Iraq. I know it has been a long journey for her but her faith in the Lord has been unwavering. I know Gabe would be very proud of her and of his little guy Gabriel who looks more like Gabe all the time.

Thursday, May 08, 2008
The Family Baristas

I love having my brother-in-law Taraz as a fellow barista! He works at Forza in Tacoma and I work for Starbucks. One would think there would a rivalry going on between us about who's coffee is the best but you won't find that with us. (Even though I do think he should come and work for Starbucks!)
The other day Ruh, Daisy and I stopped by Ruh's parents' house after a short hike to say hi. George and Bonita were off enjoying the sunny day in their canoe but Taraz and Rahmat were there getting ready to go on a bike ride. I asked Taraz how work was going and pretty soon we were having a conversation about coffee. We talked about the different ways to make perfect foam. I love foam!! Perfect foam almost has the consistency of whipped cream. The milk has to make a specific sound when you are steaming it in order to get this kind of foam. If you are in a hurry your foam will not turn out the right consistency. One of my favorite drinks to make are cappuccinos, 'especially bone dry cappuccinos. With bone dry cappuccinos you scoop the foam out of the pitcher instead of pouring. It is so much fun to do when the perfect foam has been made. You usually hear, "Hey you guys, you have to come see this foam!!", and then everyone looks oohing and ahhing. The longer I have worked as a Barista the easier is gets to make the perfect foam. Before I started working at Starbucks I thought you just stuck the steam wand into a pitcher of milk and let 'er go, but there is a special touch to it and that's what makes it so much fun.
We also talked about brewing coffee. At Forza they brew new coffee every 3 hours. At Starbucks we brew new coffee every 30 minutes! There is a big difference there. I went to work and told the girls that Forza changes their brewed coffee every 3 hours and we all had mixed emotions about this. Our first reaction was, "Whoa! That's a long time!". Our second reaction was, "Wouldn't THAT be kind of nice!". We have four urns of coffee that have brewed coffee in them at one time. We only have two coffee brewers. There are little white kitchen timers hanging on every urn that we set for 30 minutes as soon as we brew new coffee into them. It seems like every time we turn around there is another timer beeping! One of the girls I work with compared it to having an obnoxious two year-old! As soon as you think you have all the coffee caught up and brewed there is another timer going off. But one thing we all agreed on is that our customers love our brewed coffee and if we have to brew new coffee all the time to keep them happy and coming back then it's worth it.

I really want to go and visit Taraz and work sometime! From talking with him I can tell he really cares about each drink he makes and I bet he makes a good one! Here is a picture of an espresso with foam and cinnamon sprinkled on top he made for my mother-in-law Bonita.
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