For the weekend I was in LA Daniel and I stayed at my cousin Mary Beth and her husband Daniel's house. Yes, there are two Daniels in the family. Mai and Charlie stayed with my cousin Eva-Karin. Once the weekend was over and people had to go back to work Mai and I moved to my Aunt Karin's house.
Uncle Dave and Aunt Karin have a lovely back yard with a little stream and pond complete with live gold fish. It is such lovely little oasis in the middle of the city.

Daniel loved the little pond.

Mai and Charlie in the backyard. You can see how lovely the backyard is.

My cousins Lauralyn and Katie. We didn't get to see much of Lauralyn since college finals are coming up.

Lauralyn and her guy Jeff.
For our last outing of the trip we went to Seal Beach and had lunch at Ruby's on the Seal Beach Pier. Afterward we took the boys down to the water so they could stick their feet in the ocean or the first time. Garry (who is on paternity leave while Eva-Karin started back to work) brought Ethan along too. Daniel loved seeing the "big water"!
Daniel said hi to almost every single person we past on the pier. In his little world strangers do not exist, everyone is a friend.

The boys at Ruby's.

Ethan's nifty little high chair. We figured out though that his arms were suppose to go the top and the strap around his waist. He still just a little too small for it. But not for long! :)

Charlie checking out the menu. Don't worry, that is milk in Daniel's cup, not soda. :)

Charlie and Ethan discussing politics and the weather. Auntie Annie in the background is in baby heaven. :)

There are simply no words...

Ethan with his Gramma.

Charlie gives Ruby's fries the thumbs up.

My cousin Melanie.

This group of boys were walking down the pier and Daniel spotted them and immediately ran to join them. I think they got a kick out of it.

Heading to the "big water".

Ethan is all set in his cool Oakley shades.

Daniel's toes in the ocean for the first time.