In May there are 4 Dannells' birthdays so we have started having a big May birthdays family get together.
Yesterday we all met at my in-laws house in Tacoma. My mother-in-law Bonita made a wonderful spread complete with homemade pizza. I brought a chocolate, pistachio pudding, butterfinger cake (there has to be an official name for it but I have no clue.), homemade pico de gallo and chips.
George's brother Dick was here for his annual visit and got to meet his second grand niece for the first time. He also presented Daisy with the Paul Harris Fellow Award from the Rotary Club. He also presented George with the award about nine years ago. This will be a great addition to Daisy's senior portfolio as she will be a senior next year.
Rahmat produced an epic photo bomb in this pic.
Uncle Dick made sure to get lots of family photos.

Love this little girl!
We discussed a little bit some summer camping plans. Rue just bought a tent that pops up and only takes 1 1/2 minutes to completely set up! Before it would take him 2 hours to get our huge tent all put up. Until we can buy a tent camper this will be the next best thing. Can't wait for our first camping trip to try it out!
Daniel and I leave on Tuesday for LA. We will be there for my cousin Lauralyn's wedding. I am very excited to be going and seeing all my family but it is also so hard to be going without Rue and Daisy. The first morning I am there is going to be breakfast with all the girls! I can't wait! Daniel is crazy excited about riding on an airplane. My mom made him paper chain to count down the days and as it has been getting shorter and shorter he has been getting more excited. My dad will be flying with us (my mom is already down there) so that will be really fun.
Have a lovely Memorial Day weekend everyone!