I am sitting here sipping a cup of hot tea and just enjoying working on my blog. When I first sat down, all ready to relax, I remembered that there was a stack of dishes in the sink. With that fact in my head there is no way I would be able to sit and relax. So I got up and did the dishes. NOW I can sit and relax.
I can think back to a year and a half ago when I was just married and dirty dishes being in the sink would not have fazed me at all. There were many nights when I would go to bed with dirty dishes in the sink and it did not bother me, to the dismay of my husband. He did not understand how I could go to bed with the kitchen a mess. I did not understand why it bothered him. But over time I started to really like the feeling when the dishes were done and all put away. (And also it made my husband happy.) Now I can't stand it when the house is messy and the dishes aren't done. Even when there is one thing left out on the coffee table. I cannot relax until it is put away. I am slowly turning into my grandmother. She is the exact same way. I can see now my L.A. family reading this shaking their heads with dismay and my gramma nodding her head in approval. :)
I admit, I've got that habit, of putting a house in order before we go to bed at night. I've done this for over 40 years now, so its a habit. Why, I even have my blog entries ready for the next day, so that when I get up in the morning, I don't have to think of 'what to post!' I's done, and ready to go. That way, I can punch them in, and go sit with morning coffee at my leisure, while taking in the a.m. news on CNN. All of our habits carry us through the day - these are mine, and I'm grateful for the support that Ruh gave me through all the years, to make the day 'well lived'. He is a most wonderful son, and I'm so grateful.
I am always amazed at seeing myself through my children's and grandchildren's eyes! My dear ste-gradmother "Bobbo" once told me that if her bed was made and her dishes done, she felt her house was in order! Guess it has carried over to the fourth generation!!! I love you, Annie!
I am always amazed at seeing myself through my children's and grandchildren's eyes! My dear step-grandmother "Bobbo" once told me that if her bed was made and her dishes done, she felt her house was in order! Guess it has carried over to the fourth generation!!! I love you, Annie!
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