August 13th, 2000
Psalm 27:13, 14
I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Be strong and let your heart take courage; yes, wait for the Lord.
At this point it would seem that David looked back over his life and recalled the hundreds of times God had come through the darkness and discouragement of life to bolster the life of His faithful servant. This being a fact he could count on, David applied that to the reality of what he was going through. This gave him hope and encouragement. He said, “If I didn’t have the reality of what God has done in the past, I would lose heart in the present - for God is faithful. God’s goodness prevails at all times.” Then David challenges his readers, “Let your heart take courage. “
This is something all of us can use. We all face discouragement of one kind or another. But like David, analyze your past experience. Hasn’t God always come through? That ought to be fuel for your faith. If He rescued you then, why do you think He won’t now? Of course He will! However, He may not do it at once. Sometimes He has a way of waiting. So we need to learn to wait on the Lord. He does all things in His time. This strengthens our faith.
Paul knew the waiting principle. He prayed on three occasions for the “thorn” to be removed from his life. God said, “No! My strength is sufficient for you.” In this case God didn’t remove the trial, but He inserted His strength into Paul’s life so that the apostle was able to learn from the experience.
At any rate Christian, whether God chooses to delay His action or insert His strength to overcome your weakness, waiting on Him is the best and wisest thing you can do. What are you going through today? Take courage. God will strengthen your heart one way or another.
God bless.
Love to you all.
-Pastor Charles Covington 1933-2006
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