My dearest sweetest Gramma has been sewing quilts and fleece blankets for all her grandchildren for years now. I have one beautiful quilt she made me for my 18th birthday and a fleece blanket. I keep the fleece blanket close to the couch so I can cuddle up underneath it like a nice warm "hug" from Gramma. Recently I have started crocheting. I decided that the first blanket I made I wanted my Gramma to have. So I sent this blanket down to LA to arrive before her surprise party this last weekend. Even though I couldn't be there for the party she still got a "hug" from me! I love you Gramma! :)

I hear the "surprise" party was a great success. I wish we could have been there. I'm sure Gramma enjoyed your "hug" very much! (Can't wait for mine.) (I LOVE THE MUSIC!!...His Truth is Marching On is playing at the moment. It makes me think of Gabe. I glad you were able to be with Hannah today. I love you!
That was supposed to say mom. :)
I think tomorrow when I work on my wedding pics I shall go to your blog, minimize the window, and work to the music!
Annie it is beautiful! You did such a good job on it! WOW. I need to learn how to knit..seriously! :)
At our party I remember you mentioning the crocheting you were doing. It is very lovely, Annie! I know she will treasure it.
I remember knitting a hand-bag many years ago. It had a macrame flap and shoulder strap. I used it for years when I was enjoying 'the hippie culture' in the late 70's. It was fun to create my own designs, but, I never knew how to 'correct mistakes' knitting. So, it was a hyper-vigilant activity because of those hundreds of little knots and lines.
The knitting looks great! My Mom made us kids several quilts each and every time I see them I think of her. She passed from this life on Mother's day in 1997 - will be ten years this year. ec
What a snuggly looking blanket! How sweet of you to return the gesture of a homemade blanket to your gramma - I'm sure she appreciates it!
That is a beautiful blanket and so very special as it was made with love :o). You have a very lucky grandma :o).
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