We had a very relaxed Mother's Day and we spent it at my parents. We all sat around the kitchen table to eat lunch and then my mom, Ruh, Daisy and I enjoyed a rousing game of "Oh, Heck!". I am so happy Ruh has finally learned how to play so now he, my mom and I can play whenever we get together.

We also took some "mom-and-me" photos and since we didn't get a family picture on Easter this year like we normally do we went ahead and took one today. I never realize how huge I am getting until I see a picture of myself! But at least I am getting huge because I am pregnant and not just because I am eating too much!

I am 35 weeks along and don't have too much longer to go. I can't wait for little Daniel to be here. I feel like I have been pregnant for so long and sometimes I wonder what it will feel like to not be pregnant anymore. Honestly, I bet I'll miss it! But that's okay because I want to have three or four more after Daniel. :)
Loved spending the day with you Annie! It was almost perfect, would have been perfect with Ben here too!
Hi Annie ~ I'm so glad you had a special day with your family. You know, the images of Rue here almost bring tears to my eyes because I can see my Dad in Rue's face!! This is a particular treasure, so unexpected until I saw it in a photograph...so, thank you, Kathy.
Wow! I can't believe how close you are to term! Baby Daniel will be here before you know it.
I really missed having the girls so close at all times once they were out. I also missed my "shelf" for resting my arms, lol! ;o)
Happy belated Mother's Day! :o)
You look beautiful, Annie! Just a few more weeks and your sweet little son will be earthside. Those first few weeks of new motherhood are so amazing. I can't wait to read the birth announcement!
Oh I can't wait to meet lil baby Daniel!! :) SO soon!
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