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Monday, June 22, 2009
Just a little video...
Here is a short little video of Daniel! He has the hiccups. He got them all the time when he was in my tummy and it seems like he still gets them all the time now! :)
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing
Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing
Friday, June 19, 2009
Right now our internet is down so I can't post updates! I am at my mom's right now so I thought I would use her computer to let everyone know. I will have more pictures and the whole story up soon! :)
Friday, June 12, 2009
Daniel Robert Dannells

This morning at 1:30am my water broke and I went into intense labor with contractions about 2 minutes apart. We rushed to the hospital and Daniel was born via c-section at 4:46am! He is 6lbs 8oz and 19 inches long. We are both doing good! God is so good! More pictures and the entire story to come! :)

Lemon Skirt

Yesterday I made another skirt. This one is the same as the apple and pear one I made before. This was the third time I made this skirt so I whipped this one out pretty quickly! I also made a hair tie to match. I just love this fabric. I guess I am in to fruit right now too because I made the apple and pear skirt and now the lemon skirt. I also have some brown fabric that has more pears on it I plan on making this skirt out of. :)

It was very relaxing to spend a couple hours yesterday morning sewing after the day I had on Wednesday. I felt like I was able to unwind for a little bit. I was pretty sore and tired. My mom and I did a little shopping yesterday afternoon and I was walking a lot slower than usual. I have one more skirt I want to make before Daniel arrives on Tuesday because I have a feeling once he arrives I won't be sewing for a little while! :)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Turn, Baby, Turn and False Alarm
This last Tuesday I had my weekly doctor visit. For the past 9 months my doctor visits have been pretty uneventful. But this week the doctor did an internal exam and discovered that our little Daniel has decided to be heads up rather than heads down. He did a quick ultrasound to confirm that Daniel is most definitely breech. So he scheduled me for a version the very next morning. This is where he manually would try to turn Daniel by pushing on my stomach and maneuvering him around to the right spot.
At about 9am the doctor came in and they did another ultrasound to see exactly how Daniel was positioned. The doctor showed me on the screen that Daniel was practicing breathing and his little lungs were going in and out. He is getting ready to be out here with us! That was neat to see.
The nurse stood on one side of me and the doctor on the other. They gooped up my whole
They have me scheduled for a c-section this coming Tuesday the 16th. Which is Daniel's actual due date! I had friends and family make predictions of when they thought Daniel would be born about a week ago and no one predicted his actual due date! But there is still a chance I could into labor before then and I would go in and they would do a c-section. And there is a chance, a small one, but still a chance that he might turn on his own and we could have a normal delivery.
So after a very exhausting morning we headed home. That afternoon I went over to my friend Ruth's house and Hannah Waldock and Hannah Clark came too and brought their little ones with them. Ruth set up the kiddie pool in the back for Gabriel (3) and Tirzah (3) to play in. We enjoyed a relaxing visit and the medicine they gave me to relax my uterus wore off and my contractions started again. We were sitting around the table and I got up for some reason and looked at my chair. There was a little moist spot where I had been sitting. I made a comment and Hannah C. looked at the chair and said, "Did your water break?". I went to the bathroom and things were pretty moist but there was no big gush or anything. So I went back and sat down again and a little while later I got up again and once again there was the moist spot. The girls told me I should call the birthing center to see what they would want me to do. I am Group B Strep positive so if my water breaks I am immediately to go to the hospital so they can give me antibiotics. The birthing center told me to come back in because I had had a version that morning and maybe it was ruptured some membranes. So it was back to the hospital.
I headed home to grab Ruh and we dropped Daisy off at my parent's and picked up my mom. Ruh and my mom were sure we were going to have baby but I wasn't convinced. I said it wasn't going to be anything and they would send us home. They hooked me up to all the monitors again and after a little while a doctor came in to give me an exam. I had never seen this doctor but he had to do the exam because my doctor was busy. Oh boy, I wish my doctor had been the one to give me that exam. It was extremely painful and it lasted so long. I started cramping really bad and it was just unpleasant all around. And in the end they didn't find any amniotic fluid and they sent me home.
Needless to say I was exhausted by the time we got home and was very glad to have that day coming to an end.
All the pictures are actually from the second visit to the hospital that evening. My mom said she would just delete all those pictures she took but right before I went to bed I checked my e-mail and she had sent out an album of the "False Alarm". I am glad she kept them because technically this has all been part of the process of Daniel being born.
So I will keep on updating but right now it looks like he will be born via c-section on Tuesday June 16th! I was hoping to be able to experience a natural childbirth ( I still may be able to) but as long as he arrives healthy I am fine with whatever way he needs to come out! I know the Lord is in complete control!
Monday, June 08, 2009
My new favorite website...

Okay, so I just found my new favorite website! It's amazing! It's You simply go to the website and click on one of the color bars and it will show you all the fabrics in that color range on sale on Etsy! You must try it! Say it with me, "FABULOUS!"! :)
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Baby Bunting

I have been busy getting Daniel's room all ready for him. I have been washing and putting away all the wonderful clothes we have received from baby showers and washing bedding, blankets and receiving blankets. I bought some Winnie the Pooh prints and framed them. I spent some time on Ebay looking for Classic Pooh stuffed animals to find all of the Winnie the Pooh characters. I didn't find all of them but I did find some. But there was one wall left in Daniel's room, the biggest wall I might add, that was completely bare. So I started looking for ideas.

I am going to take more pictures of Daniel's finished room very soon and post them. There is one more little craft project I am making for his room first.
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Baby Update

My little guy is still moving around like crazy. They say a baby's

I have my next appointment this Tuesday and he will check me again to see if I have progressed at all. I know you can stay dilated at a 1 or a 2 for a while so I am not expecting anything, I am just hoping!
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Handmade Baby Gifts
I love all things homemade. There is something about the fact that someone took the time to create a little something by hand that makes the gift that much more special.
Linda Christensen always makes a adorable fleece blankets to give to new little ones.

Here are onsies Barb Lewis made for Kyra and Daniel. She simply bought plain white onsies and then added her own little decoration to them. So cute!

And here are the bibs I made for little Kyra.

Linda Christensen always makes a adorable fleece blankets to give to new little ones.
Here are onsies Barb Lewis made for Kyra and Daniel. She simply bought plain white onsies and then added her own little decoration to them. So cute!
And here are the bibs I made for little Kyra.
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
A Baby Shower
Last night Ruth Rogers and Hannah Clark put on a baby shower for Hannah Waldock and I at church. Hannah W. was in Bangladesh when little Kyra was born so the church wasn't able to give her a baby shower until now. It was so much fun having a joint baby shower. Especially since she had a girl and I am having a boy. Everyone got to giggle over boy clothes and girl clothes. My mom did the wonderful devotional and you can read it on her blog Overcomer. My mom is amazing!
At the beginning we played a game and Hannah and I were the only participants. We had to close our eyes and allow different baby food to be put in our mouths. Then we had to guess what we thought the baby food was. It was sometimes rather disgusting but it was fun and in the end I got two wrong
(though technically I got three wrong) and she got three wrong so
And here's Daniel all ready to come out and play!
Daisy enjoyed looking at all of Daniel's clothes. I think it is starting to sink in that she has a little brother who is going
to be here very soon! :)
to be here very soon! :)
Here is Ruth's little Leo and Hannah's Billy. What would a baby shower be without babies around?! You can view the whole album of shower photos (taken by my mom) here!
Thank you Ruth and Hannah for a lovely shower!
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