Psalm 150
February 6th, 2000
The glory of God was the purpose of creation, therefore man finds his central reason for existence in praising the Lord. The shorter catechism states - “the chief end of man is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”
1. The Meaning of Praise
The Hebrew definition - “to worship, to cause to shine, to give forth a clear and distinct sound, to sing songs in honor to God, to confess or to acknowledge.”
The end result of praise is that the object of praise is given the full recognition and honor that is due Him. Praise should always be directed toward God.
2. Praise - a dirth among many Christians.
3. The Psalms of Praise - Psalm 146-150
Each of these five Psalms begin and end with “Praise the Lord.” Psalm 150 instructs:
* We are to praise God. An absolute fact (v 1).
* We are to praise God everywhere (v 2).
* We are to praise God for everything He is and does (v 2).
* We are to praise God with everything we have (vs 3-5).
* Everyone is to praise God (v 6).
4. The New Testament’s Concept of Praise is that:
* God programs praise into our lives (Eph. 1:6, 12, 14).
* We are to rehearse what He has done in our minds (Phil. 4:8).
* We are to rehearse what He has done verbally (James 5:13,
Heb. 13:15)
5. God responds to our praise - II Chronicles 20:22
Beloved, may we say with David, “While I live I will praise the Lord; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.”
Love to you all.
--Pastor Charles Covington 1933-2006
Very true, Annie. This is a good way to greet and end the day, with praise and gratitude.
Thank you for posting such wise words.
Betty G
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