Here you can see the small extension bridge we had to cross in order to get to the trail. The bridge bounced and rocked. You can see how it was in the video clip below.

In these pictures you can see the beautiful colors of the trees. This was a perfect hike to go on in the fall.

Here is some video of a rock outcropping that we climbed to the top of. Once we got to the top George was able to see the actual trail we were supposed to be on. Even though we got lost we had a great adventure.

The aspen groves were so peacefully beautiful. I felt like I was walking in a fairy tail when we went through them. They were so enchanting.

This is video of when we were lost. We found a little beaver dam where we could cross the creek. As you will see in the video Taraz got very excited about the sticks the beavers had chewed the bark off of. He likes to make those kinds of sticks into what he calls "power sticks". It is one of his unique but also fun qualities. :) (We did eventually find the right trail.)
George and Bonita being cute with eachother. :)

Megan had a extra apple and asked Taraz if he wanted it. Instead of eating it he decided to try and hit it with one of his "power sticks". Megan tossed it to him and instead of it shooting off into the woods it exploded into apple sauce all over the side of Taraz's face. Needless to say we had a great laugh. I wish I had gotten it on video.

Taraz seems to have endless amounts of energy. He bounded up the side of the hills like a gazelle. I actually had to zoom in really far on this picture in order to see him.

On the way home we stopped at the Thorp Fruit stand and Antique mall. George treated us all to coffee. I had a pumpkpin spice latte in celebration of the season. While we drank our coffee we perused the fruit stand downstairs and the antiques upstairs.

I so much love spending time with family I can never get enough. This is definitely a day that will be stored in my memory "archives". :)
I love your videos, Annie! They capture so much more than a still photo, capturing the dialog and the facial expressions.
Taraz and Megan came over on Sunday and downloaded all their photos - I'm amazed that everyone's camera had a 'mind of its own' when capturing that day. My shots had a strong grey-blue overtone, and Taraz's photos had more of the golden colors. Of course he doctored them a little! He's going to build a post later on his site.
I just loved being with you, Daisy and Megan, Taraz and Rue, and Alonzo and George. We have an excellent chemistry on these outings, and I look forward to doing it again, too.
We were fortunate to get that hike in, as snow is going to come down (if not already) in the mountain passes, and traveling would be more difficult. (Steven's Pass has snow.)
It is so nice to see the same event recorded in two totally different ways. I love the videos, Annie. It really helps bring everyone in your family that I read about to life. I can't get over the accents!!! :-) None of you sound the way you do in my head. Ok, I guess that sounds a little cuckoo, so I hope you know what I mean!!!
Jess- That is too funny that you think of us with accents! I wonder what we would sound like if we did! LOL! I have a friend at church whoes cousin came for a visit from Australia and she said we sounded like movie stars! I thought that was a fun way to put it! :)
Bonita- I did "doctor" my pictures up a little as well in my photo editor. I heard tonight that there was 6 inches of snow on Snoqualmie Pass yesturday! That is crazy to think we were just there! I am glad we got the hike in. :)
And, it is 16 degrees in Ellensburg today, Tuesday!
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