This precious little girl is Hannah. She is the daughter of one of my dear blogging friends Rach. On Thursday she passed away in a drowning accident. My heart breaks for Rach and her family. You can visit
Rach's blog, read the stories and see the pictures of this precious little girl. Please be lifting Brian, Rach, Lily and her family up in prayer!
Hannah-"Blessed by God"
As Bonita said, "An ocean of tears". I pray the Lord would draw Rachel and family oh so close to Him.
Sweet, sweet picture.
Oh, Annie, what a wonderful tribute. thank you so much, so very much for everything. Wear your fanciest Hannah clothes Monday as a tribute for our bright shining star! :o)
There was a light rain all afternoon up on Mt. Rainier today while we hiked, and everywhere I saw Hannah in the rain, the dew, the sparkle on the lakes, on the mist floating through the trees. She has spread her essence everywhere, and I felt her strength and beauty, her wonder and delight. How spacious is our love for her! How extensive, her reach.
I love that picture of little Hannah. Such beautiful eyes...the windows to the soul indeed. I will give the family hugs for you tomorrow, Annie! Talk to you soon...
Love your sis in law
I just noticed how you placed Hannah under Gabe. That is really, really neat!
Thank you for posting Hannah's picture on your side bar. What a year of losses. My heart was absolutely broken for your darling friend Hannah when Gabe was killed, and now my Hannah.
I have to tell you, I feel such comfort from all the love and prayers coming from all over the world. Oh, and thanks for the hug through Ruhiyyih! :o)
I also wanted to thank you for the suggestion of the smoothie yogurts. I'm going to send someone to the store for some. I pray your Hannah is doing well--she and little Gabriel have so often been in my thoughts and prayers this past year.
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