Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Well hi!

Well, it's officially been a long time since I wrote a post.  Actually I think it was officially a long time about 2 months ago. But here I am again.  :)

As you can see I finished my garden fence quite a while ago now.  It's very rustic but is very sturdy and fulfills its purpose very well...keeping the deer and rabbits out!  I built it so the gate to my chicken yard is inside my garden so you have to go into the garden to get into the chicken yard.  I designed it this way so that I can open up the chicken gate and let them roam around in my garden in the winter, eating bugs and fertilizing while they do it.  Eventually I will have their chicken yard stretch all the way around the perimeter of my garden so they can eat some of the pests and slugs that are making their way into my garden.  At the moment I have two Golden Sexlinks and two Barred Plymouth Rocks. My two Blue Wheaton Ameraucanas died suddenly, we think it was some kind of genetic defect and not a virus since my mother-in-law had some from the same group and hers did the same thing.  We had our first egg yesterday!!!  It was very soft as first eggs tend to be.  We think it was the larger of the two Goldens since she was up in the nesting loft a lot yesterday acting like she nesting and laying more eggs. 

The past couple of weeks have been filled with lots of celebrations! Daisy turned 18 AND graduated from high school!  Her plans are to head down to Portland on July 1st, get a job and share an apartment with her childhood friend Victoria.  

And Daniel turned FIVE!!  Where does the time go??!! 
He got his first big boy bike for his birthday.  Can't wait to take it camping with us so he can ride around the campgrounds like we did when we were kids! 

Homeschooling has been going really good and I will have another post about that up later on this week.  :) 

Have a lovely Tuesday everyone! 

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