I John 2:1
March 25th, 2001
My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.
This encouragement is given to believers. Sin is never a necessity, but always a possibility. Believers do not have to commit an act of sin - even though we have a sin nature. Christ’s work on Calvary made this possible. However, the possibility of any one of us committing sin is always a glaring reality. Note what he says: “If anyone sins we have an advocate.” An old saint was once asked if he believed it was possible for a Christian to never sin in his life. I thought the old Christian was right-on in his answer: “Yes, I believe it is possible for a believer never to sin, but I‘ve never met one who didn’t!”
But the wonderful thing about this is, when the believer sins, he is never condemned. Note the text: “and if anyone sins we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous.” The word advocate is beautiful. It means a go-between or a defense attorney - a representative.
1. The believer is an advocate, a go-between, a representative for Jesus Christ to the world. We make a case for Him in the world of unbelievers.
2. Jesus Christ makes a case for the believer before the Father.
Note: It is Jesus Christ, the righteous. A completely just and righteous savior appears before a holy and righteous judge who is our Father to represent us when we sin. He says, “Father, I gave my life for Charles Covington. I died for his sin. Now I appear before you in his behalf because he has sinned against you. I paid his penalty so he doesn’t have to.” The Father looks at His Son’s death as all sufficient to cover anything I might have done or might do to offend His character. To me this is neat. We should always be careful not to sin, but when we do, we are not judged because of the appearance of our blessed advocate.
Note: He does not say when we confess our sins we have an advocate, but when we sin. When we sin He immediately makes His appearance in our behalf. Our confession (I John 1:9) is for our benefit. His forgiveness cleanses us from all unrighteousness. What a savior we have.
So this week let’s strive to stay in step with Him, and be assured when we get out of step with our advocate, He goes to bat for us, pleading our case before the Father. Let’s continue to plead His case before a lost and dying world. God bless.
--Pastor Charles Covington 1933-2006