Sunday, December 27, 2009

First Official Post Back in the Blogging World

As my first official post back in the blogging world I thought I would post the video I made of our trip to Mammoth and Yosemite this last summer. Now that the holidays are coming to a close I really start to look forward to the arrival of spring and summer. Watching this video gets me all excited for that first hike of the season. I know I have a few more months to go and I plan on filling up the winter months with sewing projects, cooking new, healthy recipes, training for my first 5K race I plan on running with my sis-in-law Ruhiyyih and watching my little guy grow everyday. Also the winter Olympics are coming and that is always something to look forward to. Enjoy the video!


Kathy Hall said...

So nice to see you blogging again Annie...Boy, has Daniel grown since that video!

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

I am looking forward to doing a race with you this year! You will get so hooked... :)