Wednesday, April 05, 2006

When I knew that the Lord wanted me to go to Ukraine I thought a little bit about the fact that I was only 17. The thought that kept going through my mind was why God would want to send me, an immature teenager to Ukraine. I didn't know how I would be able to make a difference. On the plane ride to Ukraine I found a verse in Jeremiah that really spoke to my heart. Even though this verse was meant specifically for Jeremiah, it really encouraged me. I wrote down this verse in my journal entry on July 31st, 2001.

"But the LORD said to me:
'Do not say, 'I am a youth.'
For you shall go to whom
I send you,
And whatever I command you,
you shall speak.
Do not be afraid of their faces,
For I am with you to deliver you,'
says the LORD."
Jeremiah 1:7&8


Bonita said...

It is only right, that when we face our fears, we gain in courage. Then, we gain the capacity to serve.

mreddie said...

So true, God isn't necessarily looking for the wisest or the most talented but the one that will make themselves available to be used by Him. ec

The MacBean Gene said...

It's a good thing you listened to the Lord. You know what happened to Jonah when he went the other way! And it's amazing how God lets us know when we are doing His will. And what amazes me more is that you found that jem among Jeremiah's words of disaster.