Thursday, June 01, 2006

Work in Progress

Okay everyone, I have found out what the problem is with uploading pictures. I went into the blogger Help Group and found more people with the same problem. The good news is Blogger is working on it. Except I have no clue when they will have it fixed. I promise though that when it is fixed I will have lots of pictures to post!! :)


mreddie said...

I'm sure they will be worth waiting for. ec

mreddie said...

I'm sure they will be worth waiting for. ec

GWD said...

Hi Annie,

It's good to ponder with you the meaning of the various Bible verses regarding Christ's resurrection.

You asked these questions in your comments on my blog.

"If Christ hadn't actually risen from the dead then how could they hold onto His feet?"


"How could Christ eat if He wasn't really there?"

The differences in our understandings has its basis in the difference between a literal understanding of the Bible versus a symbolic or spiritual understanding.

The Baha'i view is: "We do not believe that there was a bodily resurrection after the crucifiction of Christ, but that there was a time after His ascension when His disciples perceived spiritually his true greatness and realized He was eternal in being. This is what has been reported symbolically in the New Testament and been misunderstood. His eating with disciples after resurrection is the same thing."

There are thousands of examples from Biblical text that could be given of the difference between a literal or symbolic understanding. Here is just one.

When Christ returns, it is written that He will come down on a cloud for all the world to see. If the world were flat, as people believed in Christ's day, it would be easy to imagine all the world seeing Him. But the world is round, of course. So how can the people in America see him if Christ were to come down on a cloud in Asia?

I'm sure this passage, too, can be debated. But I mention it just to point out how Baha'is view scripture, with spiritual eyes. Metaphor is powerful, and religious truths typically can best/only be conveyed metaphorically.