This morning Ruh's parents George and Bonita joined us at church for the annual Mother's Day breakfast the men and children put on for all the mothers. There was lots of sweet rolls and fruit. The little latte stand was also open. During breakfast my mom took "mom and me" pictures. Before breakfast was served everyone gathered in the sanctuary and whoever wanted to could share some special testimonies about their mom. Ruth Rogers spoke for little Gabriel and shared a very touching testimony about Hannah DeRoo (her sister). Gabriel is going to be able to look back and see what an amazing, wonderful mom he has. She has remained strong and steady for him, through her trust in the Lord, without his Papa who is now in Heaven.
for us everyday and they would have to act it out and the rest of
the kids had to guess what it was. I even had a couple boys volunteer and the kids got a few giggles out of that. :) I also talked about how the
After church Ruh's parents, my parents and Ruh and I went to the Hot Iron Mongolian Grill. We chit chatted and talked a little about the upcoming annual Dannells family camping trip. We are heading back to Lake Wenatchee where we were for the last camping trip after Taraz and Megan's wedding this last September. But this time Taraz and Megan won't be on their honeymoon so they will get to join us! Ruh and Bonita talked a little about food preparation and Bonita told us she is going to buy all the meat for us this year. She knows how much Ruh really enjoys doing the cooking when we are camping. I am so thankful for the mother-in-law the Lord has blessed me with.
I am so thankful for the wonderful mother the Lord has given me! She is the perfect example of a calm and quiet spirit which is truly beautiful and pleasing to the Lord. I really hope and pray that I develop the patient, calm and quiet spirit she has. Thanks for being such an amazing mom! I love you lots and lots!
I'm so thankful for such a wonderful daughter as you. I love you lots and lots! Mom
What beautiful pictures, Annie!! I love them!!! You are so beautiful! I am really looking forward to seeing you all in just a few more days! Blessings :)
I really appreciated our morning at Discovery Baptist Church, and the opportunity to share in this special day honoring mothers. The spirit there is simply wonderful, and the nicest gentleman made me a perfect espresso! It can't get any better than this! Hugs to Kathy, Nancy, Marsha, Cheryl, and Lucy for making my visit there sooooooo special.
Annie, when I get some time, I'll write a post about it. I'll include a link to the High Tea, which shows your mom's lovely photos. I was so impressed with the quality of her images!
Oh, and I don't want to forget....dear little Clara!
Been very busy and am somewhat dilatory in the reading of blogs. It sounded like a really great day for your Mother's Day at church and the photos were great. ec
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