This morning at 1:30am my water broke and I went into intense labor with contractions about 2 minutes apart. We rushed to the hospital and Daniel was born via c-section at 4:46am! He is 6lbs 8oz and 19 inches long. We are both doing good! God is so good! More pictures and the entire story to come! :)

He's perfect!
Congratulations to you all!! :o)
Congratulations!! Can't wait to meet him. =)
Well, Daniel and I just got acquainted! He is such a sweet baby, so calm. I'm so glad everything went well, and can hardly wait to see him tomorrow!
I could just squeeze the computer screen right now! I am soooo excited for you guys...just 13 more days until I can hold the little man! Hugs to you all!
Yeah! He is just adorable! I hope you are getting lots of snuggling time in--and a little rest!
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