Right now I am reading Powerful Promises for Every Woman by Elizabeth George. It is a wonderful Bible study book about Psalm 23. She talks about 12 promises that God has for us in this chapter from Psalms. I thought I would share some of my quotes and verses from the book as I am reading through it. Here is an excerpt from the back cover:
"Do you desire greater strength for today and help for all your tomorrows? Discover 12 life-changing promises from God's Word that can carry you through every day and every season of life . . . promises that truly refresh and encourage, bringing purpose and hope in the midst of life's frantic pace. Even in your seemingly impossible situations, you can know that God's resources are available to you through His Promises. Strength . . . Guidance . . . Hope . . . Comfort . . . and More. Wouldn't you like to know what these 12 truths are and make them real in your life? Join Elizabeth George on a powerful journey through Psalm 23 and become a woman whose daily life is energized by God's enabling promises."
In her book she quoted Carole Mayhall:"Daily I live with [one] fear - a healthy fear if there is such a thing. [It is] that I will miss something God has for me in this life. And it is mind-expanding to contemplate all that He wants me to have. I don't want to be robbed of even one of God's riches by not taking time to let Him invade my life. By not listening to what He is telling me."
I love this quote because this is exactly how I feel. I do not want to come to the end of my life and feel that I have wasted it. God has a perfect plan for me I just need to expend so much more effort everyday seeking His will and purpose for my life! Elizabeth talks about how the Shepherd has to sometimes "MAKE us lie down in green pastures." Sometimes we just don't sit down and rest like He wants us to, so, "illness, surgery, convalesence afford us time with the Shepherd. So do pregnancy and childbirth. And exhaustion, too, will certainly place us in the grassy pastures of the Lord." This has helped me to see that instead of complaining when I am sick or when there is "nothing" for me to do, I should see it then as an opportunity to feed on what the Shepherd would want to give me through the Bible, His Word.
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me,
for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29