Monday, December 05, 2005

Christmas Cookies

What could be more wonderful on a cold winter night than to make Christmas sugar cookies and then decorate them. Last night Daisy and I did just that. After I cut the cookies out and baked them, she decorated. There were about 2 dozen cookies. I got her set up a the table and let her have at it. I figured it would take her awhile to decorate all those cookies. About 5 minutes later I hear, "I'm finished! Can I eat one now?". I was a bit suprised at how fast she had finished them. I walked over to check out her handy work. I found Christmas trees that looked like a blind man had tried to throw ribbons on them and gingerbread men who had rags for clothes and no faces. I saw how it was. Get them decorated as quickly as possible and then they can be eaten which is, of course, the best part. I giggled and told her that she could have one. I proceeded to sit down and try to give the poor gingerbread men some dignity and give the Christmas trees some lights. But of course they will end up inside a happy little girls tummy and that is the best part of all.

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