Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Homemade laundry detergent...

I finally made my own laundry detergent and I have to say so far I am very happy with it.  I used this recipe and made FIVE GALLONS of it!  I had to use old milk cartons and mason jars to store it all in.  Needless to say I am all set with laundry detergent for a while.  It is so cost efficient I don't think I will buy regular laundry detergent ever again.  Apparently it only costs  $.04 a load! 

It doesn't suds up but that is perfectly okay.  I read that the bubbles with store bought laundry detergent are actually not necessary to get clothes clean.  There is absolutely no smell to the clothes after they are washed.  They simply smell clean.  It's pretty fabulous.   For extra stinky loads add about 1/2 a cup of white vinegar.  (Thanks to Diana for the tip! I did that and it works wonderfully!)

1 comment:

Eva-Karin said...

I've heard this can fade your clothes? Let me know if it works, I want to try it!