Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Getting ready...

Today I did really good with exercise. I got up nice and early and headed to the gym. When I got there there was no one in the women's only workout room. So I had my pick of the machines which is always nice. I hopped onto an elliptical machine and worked out for an hour. Rue gave me an iPod for Christmas and you can put movies on it. So while I was working out I watched Cheaper by the Dozen. It was kind of hard at first watching a screen half the size of a playing card, but I got used to it. It helped to make my workout go a lot quicker.
But, my nutrition on the other hand wasn't so good. I didn't plan my meals out so I pretty much just ate whatever. So I am going to start planning my menu for the day the night before. That way I can see clearly what I should be eating and not be as tempted to stray off my plan. Tomorrow I plan on heading to the gym at the same time as I did today. I am really excited because I felt so good after I worked out. Endorphins are really nice! :)


Bonita said...

Sounds like a good plan, Annie - to prepare ahead of time as to what food items you will need. That way, it is available when you need it.

It's great that you are working out at the gym - great full body workout. And, you've got people to share your goals with. Thats nice. I know you are going to do great.

Annie said...

Thanks Bonita! :)