Shortly before bedtime, Isaac said his tummy hurt. I pulled up his shirt and looked and sure enough he had a bright red carpet burn! Gabe had been wearing full zip up pj's but Isaac had been wearing pj bottoms and a top. I didn't even think about a rug burn. So I grabbed some neosporin and put it on. Even though there was a small injury they had a great time.
I told the story to Rue and he told me about the stairs at his grandpa's house in Montana. When they lived there with their grandpa they had a grand ol' time sliding down the stairs. (Rue has 2 younger brothers and a younger sister.) They would grab a large baking pan, sit on it and slide on down. The only problem with this though is that when you got to the bottom you just kept going until you hit a wall. So they decided to hold up pillows in front of them to protect themselves from injury. Down they would go and smack into the wall. Rue said at one point pictures starting falling off the wall and Bonita came and put a stop to the stair sledding.
I am sure we all remember one time or other when we discovered that even when there is no snow outside the stairs were a perfect way to get the same type of experience as sliding down a hill of snow.

I would love to go back to those days and just watch those kids giggle and have fun - I was always too busy to wouldn't believe what they got away with, knowing Mom was preoccupied.
We would also go down those stairs in appliance boxes, pillows all wrapped around us!
Annie, I remember some rather memorable experiences with you, me, and the stairs at 10th street market. I have pictures for anyone interested...
~Mary Beth
I got to go inside the old Bell house this trip! We went upstairs and looked at the bedrooms we used to sleep in. I reminisced (sp?) with my mom how I used to stand at the top of the stairs with my dirty beds sheets in a wad. When someone would walk by I would hurl it at them. It was usually my mother and she would bellow back up the stairs, "Katherine Lee White", stop that right now! (And then she'd laugh.) We used to slide down those stairs on our bums. (Thankfully they were carpeted so it was a soft ride!)
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