Monday, February 13, 2006

Getting Ready...

Well, my friend Hannah and I have decided to do the South Beach Diet together. As most of you know she just had a baby and has some "baby fat" that she wants to get off. And I of course want to lose some extra weight before I put some "baby fat" on. I thought it would be nice to have someone to do the diet with because then there is accountability. (As if posting my efforts on the internet isn't accountability enough!) :)
The South Beach Diet has 3 phases. The first phase is the most strict. It is pretty much no fat, no sugar, no carbs. You can eat all the vegetables you want, except for things like corn and carrots that have high in sugar. You can have low-fat and non-fat cheeses and eggs. And lots and lots of lean meat, such as skinless chicken breasts and fish. Also you can have nuts but only a certain amount. But absolutely no bread or fruit of any kind. (There are more details but I won't go into them.) And of course no junk food. You are aloud 75 calories of sugar-free candy if you desire, but sugar-free candy messes up my stomach, so I am going to stick to the sugar free jello which doesn't bother me.
Hannah and I each got the South Beach Diet Cookbook from the library and did our grocery shopping. I have my lunch and dinner meals all planned out for the week. You stay on phase one for 2 weeks or more if you feel that you can stand it. Then you move on to phase 2 where you start to introduce fruit and whole grains back into your diet. Weight loss will slow some on phase 2, but you stay on this phase until you lose the amount of weight you want. Then phase 3 is pretty much eating healthfully. By then end of the first phase most cravings for junk food should be gone. I am looking forward to that. It would be so much easier to eat healthy if I didn't crave junk food.
So anyways, this will be an adventure but I am glad to be doing it with Hannah. My husband is throwing in his full support also. I will let you know how much weight I have lost this coming Sunday!! :)

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