Sunday, February 05, 2006

The Meaning of Flowers

Before you give your sweety a bouquet of flowers this Valentine's Day, find out what the flowers mean first. Each flower has a different meaning. For instance red roses mean "love", Baby's Breath means "everlasting love", and Calla Lilly means "beauty". Even though many of them have positive meanings, some have negative, like a Dark Crimson Rose means "mourning", a Striped Carnation means "refusal or no I can't be with you" , Hemlock means "you will be my death"! (Although, I am not sure if I have seen Hemlock in a bouquet before.) So just remember that the bouquet you give can have a hidden meaning! :) I found a website that gives the meaning of many flowers, click on the link to read more. The Language of Flowers


peppylady (Dora) said...

In the flower bed under my front window I got some flowers comming up. I'd guess their grape hythison (spelling bad) or snow drops. One of my friend got a few snowdrops in bloom

mreddie said...

To me a carnation means that I have been to the dentist. They have a bunch of them for their patients, the last one I got must have lasted 2 weeks. Besides that, flowers just mean I have been thoughtful. :) I'm not that deep. :) ec

Bonita said...

I once got several bouquets of flowers from a resident at the assisted living where I worked. Both bouquets were a dozen roses, peach and apricot. I will always remember the sweet man who gave them to me.