Friday, February 10, 2006

Watson's Nursery

This morning I met my best friend Hannah at 9am. She packed up little Gabriel in the car and we went to go find Watson's Nursery in Puyallup. Gabriel looked like a little teddy bear with his hood with the little ears on it. I just wanted to squeeze him! The sun was shining and it just made everything so much more peppy and happy.
I had gotten the directions from mapquest and we took a wrong turn at first but we turned around and we eventually found the nursery. They had a beautiful outdoor area with lots and lots of primroses plus all kinds of other flowers also. We went inside a big green house where there is a gift shop and a coffee stand. I ordered a hot chai and Hannah got a latte. We sat and talked for awhile and she held Gabriel because he doesn't like sitting in his carrier too long. Then we started shopping. We looked at all the flowers outside and I decided to get some primroses, tulips and forget-me-nots. Hannah really wanted pansies but unfortunately they had a very small and very poor selection so she decided to wait and get them somewhere else. Gabriel was getting fussy and when we went in to pay his little voice echoed off the glass ceilings and walls. Once we got back in the car he was soon asleep.
I always love spending time with Hannah. Since we have both been married and now she has a little one our time together has grown less. I really treasure her friendship and the time we do get to spend together.

This is a picture my mother-in-law Bonita took when she went to Watson's with Ruhiyyih. You can read about their visit on her blog.


mreddie said...

Beautiful flowers, I think I am getting ready for spring. ec

peppylady (Dora) said...

Beautiful flowers. I won't be able to plant anything untill sometime mid march, depending on weather. It 20 something right now. I'm guessing it will be down to the teens to night.

The MacBean Gene said...

It seems Bonita's kin is turning up everywhere.
The pictures are beautiful. Nice to see them, we've got about three inches of snow and it's still coming down.

Unknown said...

I live in Wisconsin but just wanted to tell you that your blog is a breath of fresh air. Delighful!
My best to you.
Betty G

Unknown said...

Hi, J. Vernon McGee has been dead for about 15 or more years but his radio programs are still being broadcast.
He is so plain speaking while Piper is good but it takes more thought to understand.
You are young, I am 80, and I wish you all the happiness life can give you. Walk with Jesus, talk to Him, rely on Him, and He will keep you in His peace.
I can witness to that.
Much love, Betty G

Bonita said...

I'm glad you enjoyed Watsons - it is a stunning, beautiful place.