Thursday, February 02, 2006

Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake

I think my cake was a hit! I was up until midnight last night making it but I think it was worth it! The mousse was so creamy and smooth and the chocolate cake was perfect. All of the ladies loved it, some even had a second piece which usually doesn't happen. There were only three pieces left. It wasn't as pretty as Martha's but I am practicing. :)

1 comment:

Bonita said...

I'm sure the ladies loved your cake. I can appreciate the effort it took to make something so special, and I wonder if people realize that is how you regard THEM. To offer your very best says something about your generosity and love. Nothing says that better than CHOCOLATE!

When I make a dessert, I put the left-overs in the freezer. Then, when I'm desperate for a 'sugar shot', it is right there, ready to put in the microwave. And, the defrosting, the heat, brings out the warm chocolate aroma....